Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Preview of #6

It's a long way off, but here's a comic by Señor Nico Hualde whose work will be featured in MTDS #6.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Issue #5 is Official

It's out. 32 pages of Rock and Roll. Email mtdsuck@gmail.com for the PDF version or else pick up a print copy at Muse Music in Provo or Raunch Records in SLC. Boise and Portland pickup locations to be announced. Or just read the whole thing here.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Holy crap! Personal Ads!

ATTENTION READERS OF MUSIC THAT DOESN'T SUCK! Tired of looking for love in all the RIGHT places and finding nothing but disease free prudes? Looking for the kind of love that only exists in the seedy zine underworld? Desperate for attention and validation? Put your personal ad in MTDS and find the love of your life--or at least of next Thursday! For the low, low price of $1 you will not only give your romantic life a much needed boot in the ass, but you'll also help pay for the printing of an excellent zine.Send an email to mtdsuck@gmail.com with your message and personal information. Deadline: Wednesday July 28th. Ladies place ads for free!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ruined P200, Worthless Records

MTDS#3 has been out for about a week, and there are about 15 or so copies left. If you don't have one (or want to contribute to the next issue) you can email me at perkins.nate@gmail.com and we'll get it all worked out. There also should still be a couple floating around Muse Music, so if you're in there pick one up. Submissions are welcome. Although I can't promise that all submitted material will be included in the zine, there's a pretty good chance that it will. Do it, dummy. -Nate